食べ物で放射能を処理する方法 Methods for Handling Radioactivity with Food


食べ物で放射能を処理する方法 Methods for Handling Radioactivity with Food








 Radioactivity refers to the matter derived from the ionic bonds that coalesce between radioactive matter and active oxygen.

 Radioactive material enters the body after becoming irreversibly conjoined with the active oxygen of a strong base in the air.  After entering the body, it is taken in by cells that mistake it for minerals that have similar size and shape.  As it continues to combine with active oxygen within the cells, it becomes larger overall.  If the surrounding active oxygen is not processed, it will become so large that it cannot escape from the gaps of the cell membranes (such as potassium channels).

 When processing the surrounding active oxygen and expelling radioactive material from the gaps of cell membranes, it is exchanged with the minerals that it should originally be taking in.  For example, radioactive cesium is exchanged with potassium and expelled from the cell.  It is then crushed by metallothionein so that it will not do any harm while being transported to the liver (chelation).  This is similar to what happens with other harmful minerals.  People may become depressed when there is a lack of metallothionein, so be sure to eat ingredients with metallothionein.  Then take measures against being constipated.  Once you are no longer depressed, you may consider yourself to have finished what you could to process the radioactivity.  Mood disorders are the aims for processing radioactivity.

 Hypersensitivity to radiation exposure differs for each person.  Many people with active oxygen within the body will be more sensitive.  The degree of hypersensitivity is also related to the person’s state of nutrition and the quantity of sex hormones being secreted as well.


 As of the summer of 2013, persons who are suffering from malnutrition due to diet and intemperance have seen mood disorders as well as some taking actions that seem to have changed their personalities.  These are people who have not been able to expel active oxygen even if they have been able to expel radioactive materials.  They should take in the necessary nourishment and overcome the radiation exposure.
