食べ物で放射能を処理する方法 Methods for Handling Radioactivity with Food


被曝に起因する病気 Ⅱ   Diseases Caused by Radiation Exposure Ⅱ


























Diseases of former psychosomatic medicine / psychiatry

Radiation exposure related para-schizophrenia

Adrenaline is oxidized by active oxygen within the body, and this occurs through the creation of a drug-like substance, adrenochrome.  It is a condition in which you are high from a drug you create yourself.  When the blood sugar level which is raised right after eating, declines rapidly from this reaction, persons will become hypoglycemic and a physiological secretion of adrenalin will occur.  Aim for meals with low insulin.  At the point adrenalin is physiologically secreted, it can be neutralized by eating boiled red beans (black eyed peas, adzuki beans).  If adrenochrome is generated, it can be neutralized with niacin.  In addition to reducing the amount of active oxygen throughout the body, it is also necessary to heal functional declines in multiple internal organs and thyroidal abnormalities.


Radiation exposure related para-depression

This happens when there are insufficient ingredients with metallothionein.  In addition to supplementing with ingredients with metallothionein, treatment is necessary for reducing the amount of active oxygen within the body.  This case is accompanied with hypoglycemia.


Radiation exposure related alcoholism

Alcohol consumes many specific nutrients.  When malnutrition can easily set in due to measures against radiation exposure, if someone loses even more nutrients by drinking large quantities of alcohol leading to hypoglycemia, the blood sugar level will rise with alcohol whenever hypoglycemia is contracted.  It becomes easier to restrain from drinking alcohol when preventing insulin attacks through temperance and low insulin therapy.  Orthomolecular therapy should show improvement in one’s constitution.


Radiation exposure related hyperventilation (oxygen intoxication)

A large quantity of oxygen molecules can be generated at once through huge amounts of anti-oxidation of oxygen ions (superoxide radicals) all at once, referring to the occurrence of oxygen intoxication through a rise in the density of oxygen in the blood.  It will heal as processing of active oxygen within the body proceeds.  This is the same as oxygen intoxication while diving, meaning there are times when death occurs depending on the density of oxygen in the blood, so it is thought that people are instinctively fearful of such.  If the reason were known, perhaps the sense of fear would decrease.  When an attack occurs, the best thing to do would be to watch the laughable images of NAVER and burst out laughing.


Regression (there are also cases including symptoms for developing disabilities)

The brain does not function properly due to the frontal lobe, cerebral cortex, meninges or falx cerebri being oxidized.  In this case, the surface becomes tense through overwork of the brain.  This condition occurs when phosphatides in the brain and active oxygen combine in the brain.  While processing active oxygen, it would be good to continue working the brain with NHK’s “Quiz Hold On” and other work that is not too much of a burden.


Feminine males / masculine females / changes in sexual orientation

When hormones of the opposite sex are secreted from the adrenal gland due to insufficient sexual hormones, there are cases when this may happen.  If the person himself or herself is unsure as to whether this is due to incompatibility with one’s gender or temporary due to radiation exposure, sex change operations should be postponed in units of years.  Sex hormones are not properly produced if one suffers from malnutrition.  Oil free diets are prohibited.


Child abuse

According to the Canadian Neurological Society, when there is not enough oxytocin, child abuse may occur.  It is thought that parents who do not generate oxytocin due to malnutrition are prone to abuse.  It is not clear what nutrients or foods contain oxytocin.


Drug withdrawal


Drugs easily raise metabolism, leading to a loss of nutrients depending on consumption and time periods, and there are cases when metabolic diseases may develop.  When one experiences drug use, if a person has large quantities of active oxygen within their body from malnutrition or radiation exposure, they may feel withdrawal symptoms, and these withdrawal symptoms can become lighter by taking measures against active oxygen such as eating when one wants to take drugs.  When it is difficult to move, one should not overdo it.  If one cannot move, I recommend first chewing gum or eating some pickled daikon.